2. Create Placements (Administrator)

A placement is essentially a template that will be used to create the assignment link to Chalk & Wire. When creating an assignment using a placement, the user will be prompted to make further selections based on the placement selected.

Step 1: Manage Placements

Step 1: Manage Placements

Once you have registered the provider domain, it will appear in a list on the LTI Tool Providers screen.

1. Hover your cursor over the domain to reveal a downward-pointing arrow.

2. Click on the arrow to reveal a menu, and select Manage Placements.

Step 2: Create a Placement

Step 2: Create a Placement

3. Click on the Create Placement button.

4. Enter a Label for the Placement. The label should clearly identify what the placement is for, and how it is configured. If there are to be choices, this is especially important. Faculty/Assessors will see this label while adding content to their course.

5. Type a Handle. This becomes the database entry so it must be unique.

6. Select Yes on the Availability option to make the tool visible within the content area of the course.

7. Under the Type section select Course Content Tool and the Allows Grading option if you wish to have the Assessors provide a grade for entry in the Blackboard Gradebook.

8. To prevent browser errors and optimize the student experience when using Chalk & Wire with the LMS, we recommend that you select the Launch in a New Window option.

9. If you wish to provide a specific icon you may do so by clicking on the Browse button to locate a file. A 50x50 pixel logo, titled "50x50LTI.jpg", is attached to the top of this help page.

10. Enter the following link in the Tool Provider URL text-entry box: https://epcs.chalkandwire.com/epcs/lti/tool

11. The Tool Provider Key and Tool Provider Secret should be auto-filled from when you registered Chalk & Wire as an LTI Tool Provider.

12. Enter the Custom Parameters that you would like to use. Each custom parameter must appear on its own line.

If you would like to use this Placement in an assignment where the TOC ID is used as part of the title in the Assignment Link, and the student ID is included in the launch parameters, enter:

lis_person_sourcedid=@[email protected]_uid@X@

If you would like to use this Placement in an assignment where the TOC is selected from a drop-down menu, and the student ID is included in the launch parameters, enter:

lis_person_sourcedid=@[email protected]_uid@X@

If you would like to use this Placement in an assignment that does NOT link to a TOC but instead links to an actual assignment in Chalk & Wire, enter:


Step 3: Submit Changes

Step 3: Submit Changes

13. Click Submit.