3. Add Assignment Link to Course (Administrator or Assessor)

Once the first two parts have been completed, Assessors will be ready to add the assignment link to your course in Blackboard. Once the assignment has been added, Blackboard users will be able to use it to link to Chalk & Wire to complete their work.

Step 1: Log In to Blackboard

Step 1: Log In to Blackboard

Before you can begin, you must log in to your Blackboard assessor account.

1. Enter your Username.

2. Enter your Password.

3. Click Login.

Step 2: Access the Course

Step 2: Access the Course

4. Click on the Courses tab at the top of your screen.

5. Select the appropriate course from the Course List.

Step 3: Build the Content

Step 3: Select the Content

Once you've entered the appropriate course,

6. Click on the Content option in the left-side panel.

7. On the Content screen, click on the Build Content drop-down menu.

8. Select the appropriate assessment/tool from the menu. If you are not certain of which assessment/tool you should select, please contact your local Chalk & Wire Administrator.


9. Enter a Name for the Assignment Link.

10. Optionally select a Color for the name.

11. Optionally enter a Description for the link.

NOTE: If you enter a description, please ensure that it only contains ONE line of text. If you have any page breaks (i.e. a second line of text) the link will not function.

12. Optionally attach a file to the assignment link.

NOTE: Files will not be visible in Chalk & Wire. If you would like files accesible to students, please request that your Local Chalk & Wire Administrator add them to the appropriate table of contents.

13. Enter the desired Points Possible for the assignment. This will be the value that is displayed as the total possible points for the assingment in the Blackboard gradebook.

14. Select whether or not the evaluation will be visible to learners.

15. Optionally enter a Due Date and Time.

16. Select whether or not you would like to Permit Users to View this Content.

17. Select whether or not you would like to Track Number of Views.

18. Optionally enter Display After and Display Until dates.

19. Click Submit.

Step 4: Select Table of Contents (if required)

Step 4:  Select Table of Contents, If Required

If the Assessment/Tool that you selected includes a "TOCSelect" rule, you must select the table of contents prior to student use. If students access this link and a table of contents has not been selected, they will be presented with an error. In order to select a table of contents:

20. Select the Assignment Link that you've just created.

A Department and a Table of Contents OR Assignment drop-down will appear. These drop-down menus will be populated by your Chalk & Wire site.

21. Select the Department that contains the table of contents to populate the next drop-down menu.

22. Select the Table of Contents or Assignment from the drop-down menu.

23. If you are linked to a Table of Contents, select the Table of Contents Section that corresponds to the Assignment Link that you've created.

24. Click Save.