LMS Integration Support DocumentationJenzabarCreate an LTI or SSO Link1. Add Chalk & Wire/CWPro as a Learning Tool (Administrator)

1. Add Chalk & Wire/CWPro as a Learning Tool (Administrator)

Step 1: Log in to Jenzabar

1. Enter your User Name and Password.

2. Click Login.

Step 2: Select Page Creation Method

Jenzabar requires that you create or maintain a tab in which your dedicated Chalk & Wire or Learning Tools page will "live". It is recommended that you create an "Administrator" tab to use for this purpose.

3. Click on the Administrator tab, or whichever tab you will use to maintain your Chalk & Wire learning tool.

There are two methods that you may use to add Chalk & Wire to your Administrator tab:

Option 1. Create a dedicated "Chalk & Wire" page that will be used to maintain your link between Jenzabar and Chalk & Wire.

Option 2. Create a "Learning Tools" page that will be used to maintain Chalk & Wire, along with any other learning tools that you might have linked to Jenzabar.

Option 1: Create a Chalk & Wire-Dedicated Page

1. Click on the Options link.

The "Options" page will indicate that it is currently empty.

2. Click on the Add a feature to it link.

Under the "More options" heading,

3. Click on the Expand to view the list of options link beside Learning features.

Once expanded,

4. Click on Learning Tools.

The only information on the next screen that should be changed is the name of the page. It will, by default, be named "Default Page".

5. Rename the page to say Chalk & Wire or CWPro and click on the Use this name button.

6. Click on the Back to [Page Name] link.

Option 2: Create a General Learning Tools Page

1. Click on the Add a Page link.

Under the "More options" heading,

2. Click on the Expand to view the list of options link beside Learning features.

Once expanded,

3. Click on Learning Tools.

Step 3: Add a Tool to the Page

Regardless of the option you chose, you will need to add a Learning Tool to the page.

4. Click on the Add a tool to this page link.

Step 4: Configure the Learning Tool

On the Learning Tools page,

5. Click on the Add a new learning tool link.

On the next screen, you will be see a "Basic Tool Info" heading.

6. Enter a Name for the tool. We recommend "Chalk & Wire" or "CWPro".

7. Using the Category drop-down menu, select Learning Tool.

8. Optionally enter a Description for the tool.

Under the "Sharing" heading,

9. Select both Share this tool with other JICS members and Add this to the list of featured tools highlighted on activation screen. These options will allow other users to generate LTI and/or SSO links to Chalk & Wire/CWPro.

Under the "Connection Information" heading,

10. Use the Location text-entry field to enter:

Click to copy

Please note that the URL in the image differs from the URL in the text above. Please use the text provided above as the text from the image will not function correctly.

Under the "Security" heading,

11. Enter your Key and Secret. This information will be provided to you by Chalk & Wire/CWPro.

12. Use the checkbox to select This key & secret are "domain-level" and can be reused for other tools in the same domain. Similar to the sharing option we selected in step 9, this will allow users to access the learning tool and generate LTI and/or SSO links to Chalk & Wire/CWPro.

Under the "Tool display" heading,

13. Select the option Show the tool in a new popop window. This will allow Chalk & Wire to open a new tab or window and ensures an optimal student experience when using modern web browsers.

Under the "Advanced Setup" heading,

14. Select which information will be shared with Chalk & Wire/CWPro. We recommend selected all three options:

  • Send first and last name
  • Send email address
  • Send course or JICS roles

15. The Contact Email will default to whichever user is creating/setting up the tool. Optionally enter a different email address.

16. Enter your Custom Parameters. The most typical option is to use:

Click to copy

toc=select will allow you and/or your faculty to create links that will direct to a specific section of a Table of Contents in Chalk & Wire/CWPro.

Click to copy

toc=assignment will allow you to use this Placement in an assignment that does NOT link to a TOC but instead links to an actual assignment in Chalk & Wire/CWPro.

Click to copy

toc=0 will allow you to use this placement as an SSO link that will direct all users to their default landing tab (Dashboard) in Chalk & Wire/CWPro.

17. Click on the Save Your New Tool button.

You can create a learning tool for each use-case scenario in Jenzabar. Faculty can select the appropriate learning tool (LTI vs. SSO) to their course depending on their intended use/purpose. 

It is recommended to only make as many placements as needed in order to avoid potential issues related to selecting or adding the wrong placement to course content.

18. Enter "Go to Chalk & Wire" in the Launch Link field. This will override the system default, which would read "Launch the Chalk & Wire/CWPro".

19. Click on the Save Your Settings button.

Step 6: Select the TOC/TOC Section

Your selections here will not determine the table of contents and/or section for any assignments. This is simply to ensure that your link to Chalk & Wire/CWPro is functional.

A Department and a Table of Contents OR Assignment drop-down will appear. These drop-down menus will be populated by your Chalk & Wire site.

20. Select the Department that contains the table of contents to populate the Table of Contents drop-down menu.

21. Select the Table of Contents or Assignment from the drop-down menu.

22. If you are linked to a Table of Contents, select the Table of Contents Section that corresponds to the Assignment Link that you've created.

23. Click Save.

Chalk & Wire/CWPro will open directly within your Jenzabar screen, as it will for students, allowing them to submit for assessment.