3. Complete & Launch LTI Link in Course (Administrator or Assessor)

Once the LTI link has been created and linked to the course, it must be launched. Either an Administrator or an Assessor can complete this task.

Step 1: Select the TOC

Step 1: Select the TOC

A Department and a Table of Contents OR Assignment drop-down will appear. These drop-down menus will be populated by your Chalk & Wire site.

1. Select the Department that contains the table of contents to populate the Table of Contents drop-down menu.

2. Select the Table of Contents or Assignment from the drop-down menu.

3. If you are linked to a Table of Contents, select the Table of Contents Section that corresponds to the Assignment Link that you've created.

4. Click Save.

Once you have saved the table of contents and page, a new button will appear.

5. Click Launch.

Chalk & Wire will open directly within your Moodle screen, as it will for students, allowing them to submit for assessment.