If you are having trouble or getting an error when trying to authenticate with your Blackboard account while submitting your work please try the following:
Disconnect Blackboard from Chalk & Wire
1. Click on your user name towards the top right of your screen in Chalk & Wire.
2. Click on Blackboard Connected
3. Click on the Disconnect button.
Log out of Blackboard
4. Log out of Blackboard.
5. Login again using your student credentials and locate your assignment to submit.
6. If you have not already submitted your work in Chalk & Wire you may do so after re-authenticating with Blackboard.
If you have already submitted your work in Chalk & Wire, but received an error message about not being connected to Blackboard you may withdraw it and submit again.
If you continue to receive error notifications please contact our support desk at [email protected] or 1-716-270-0000 ext. 3