2. Create Placements (Administrator)

A placement is essentially a template that will be used to create the assignment link to Chalk & Wire. When creating an assignment using a placement, the user will be prompted to make further selections based on the placement selected.

Step 1: Manage Placements

Step 1: Manage Placements

Once you have registered the provider domain, it will appear in a list on the LTI Tool Providers screen.

1. Hover your cursor over the domain to reveal a downward-pointing arrow.

2. Click on the arrow to reveal a menu, and select Manage Placements.

Step 2: Create a Placement

Step 2: Create a Placement

3. Click on the Create Placement button.

4. Enter a Label for the Placement. The label should clearly identify what the placement is for, and how it is configured. If there are to be choices, this is especially important. Faculty/Assessors will see this label while adding content to their course.

5. Type a Handle. This becomes the database entry so it must be unique.

6. Select Content Type and use the drop-down menu to select Tools.

7. Optionally click to select the Placement Allows Evaluation option if you wish to have the Assessors provide a grade for entry in the Blackboard Gradebook.

8. If you wish to provide a specific icon you may do so by clicking on the Browse button to locate a file. A 50x50 pixel logo, titled "50x50LTI.jpg", is attached to the top of this help page.

9. Enter the following link in the Tool Provider URL text-entry box: https://epcs.chalkandwire.com/epcs/lti/tool

10. The Tool Provider Key and Tool Provider Secret should be auto-filled from when you registered Chalk & Wire as an LTI Tool Provider.

11. Do not enter the Custom Parameters. Leaving this section blank will create a simple link to Chalk & Wire.

Step 3: Submit Changes

Step 3: Submit Changes

12. Click Submit.